All custom snow globes I’ve made along the time. They all share the love that I have put into them and the pleasure of doing something at a slow pace. They have all given me the opportunity to overcome a challenge and to practice patience. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that snow globes and rushing don’t mix. I hope you like them!!!
… “ in a world so marked by the intangible, the vindication of what is done with the hands, the physical perception of things is revolutionary. Not out of nostalgia but because it contains a fullness. In the process of creation you disappear. What matters is what you are doing. And that is very healthy… “ ( Muñoz Molina, A. 2017 ).
Many thanks to the people who have trusted me to made their custom snow globe
All snow globes that I have created share the love and pleasure of doing something at a slow pace heat. I hope you like them !!! Thanks to all the people who have trusted me with their custom snow slobe.
I wish you liked some of my custom snow globes. If you have any suggestions or need more information about any specific subject, please feel free to visit Contact page or to write to
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